Free Vote Policy

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Voting Detail:
% Ratified:

Party Commentary


WHEREAS we are a unique, progressive and inclusive party of shared values.

WHEREAS we are a party that respects the right of members and candidates to express differing opinion and beliefs in free and open debate and free from reprisals of any kind; and to make personal decisions in identified areas of moral uncertainty or of sufficient divisiveness, which may be different from other members.

WHEREAS there is a class of issues that:
- are significantly divisive or contentious, or non-inclusive; or,
- a clear consensus does not exist in the party; or
- relates to issues of conscience, in which serious moral uncertainty exists, and potentially exclusive of major voting, social or religious groups.

WHEREAS we are a party that empowers our members and candidates, to live our shared values and better represent their riding constituencies


BE IT RESOLVED that certain significant “issues of conscience” or “issues without a clear consensus” or “issues sufficiently divisive”, as identified by the party and party members, are subject to free votes and free positions among party candidates and members.

BE IT RESOLVED that a free vote be defined as a vote in which members or candidates are trusted and free to apply GPC values as they deem appropriate to the identified issues.

BE IT RESOLVED that the GPC formalize and make public, this policy and identified issues as part of the GPC platform.

BE IT RESOLVED that candidates are free to express their free vote positions to the public and express how they would or would not support the identified issues.

Ottawa Orleans EDA/ACE, Anne Marie Benoit, Sylvie Lemieux, James Mihaychuk, Stephen LaFrenie, Peter Landry, Paul Maillet, Phil Soubliere, Elly Eldridge, Dianne Doucette, Tyrell Alexander, Peter Russell, Jean-Luc Cooke, Matt Casselman, Mark MacKenzie, Kevin Smith, Mark Bigland-Pritchard, Kim Melton, Alex Hill, Donna Dillman, Patrick Martin, Robert Johnston


We are a party that claims to be progressive. We claim to be tolerant and inclusive. We do not want to be dominated by special interest groups or the loudest voice. We can at least be as progressive as other parties regarding issues of conscience and free votes. This motion is essential to who we are as a party, and an assertion that we are not a party of power politics as usual. We are a party that respects the right of members and candidates to express differing opinion and beliefs in free and open debate and free from reprisals of any kind; and to make personal decisions in identified areas of moral uncertainty or of sufficient divisiveness, which may be different from other members. This is the heart of democracy. If this is who you believe we are, or should be, as a party, then I encourage you to support this motion.



Proposal Type


Submitter Name

Paul Maillet

Party Commentary


WHEREAS we are a unique, progressive and inclusive party of shared values.

WHEREAS we are a party that respects the right of members and candidates to express differing opinion and beliefs in free and open debate and free from reprisals of any kind; and to make personal decisions in identified areas of moral uncertainty or of sufficient divisiveness, which may be different from other members.

WHEREAS there is a class of issues that:
- are significantly divisive or contentious, or non-inclusive; or,
- a clear consensus does not exist in the party; or
- relates to issues of conscience, in which serious moral uncertainty exists, and potentially exclusive of major voting, social or religious groups.

WHEREAS we are a party that empowers our members and candidates, to live our shared values and better represent their riding constituencies


BE IT RESOLVED that certain significant “issues of conscience” or “issues without a clear consensus” or “issues sufficiently divisive”, as identified by the party and party members, are subject to free votes and free positions among party candidates and members.

BE IT RESOLVED that a free vote be defined as a vote in which members or candidates are trusted and free to apply GPC values as they deem appropriate to the identified issues.

BE IT RESOLVED that the GPC formalize and make public, this policy and identified issues as part of the GPC platform.

BE IT RESOLVED that candidates are free to express their free vote positions to the public and express how they would or would not support the identified issues.


Ottawa Orleans EDA/ACE, Anne Marie Benoit, Sylvie Lemieux, James Mihaychuk, Stephen LaFrenie, Peter Landry, Paul Maillet, Phil Soubliere, Elly Eldridge, Dianne Doucette, Tyrell Alexander, Peter Russell, Jean-Luc Cooke, Matt Casselman, Mark MacKenzie, Kevin Smith, Mark Bigland-Pritchard, Kim Melton, Alex Hill, Donna Dillman, Patrick Martin, Robert Johnston


We are a party that claims to be progressive. We claim to be tolerant and inclusive. We do not want to be dominated by special interest groups or the loudest voice. We can at least be as progressive as other parties regarding issues of conscience and free votes. This motion is essential to who we are as a party, and an assertion that we are not a party of power politics as usual. We are a party that respects the right of members and candidates to express differing opinion and beliefs in free and open debate and free from reprisals of any kind; and to make personal decisions in identified areas of moral uncertainty or of sufficient divisiveness, which may be different from other members. This is the heart of democracy. If this is who you believe we are, or should be, as a party, then I encourage you to support this motion.